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Project Truth are expanding.


We aim to spread the pro-life message to every corner of the United Kingdom and beyond. Project Truth Pods will be pinned in different regions of the United Kingdom and will exist to support Project Truth's mission and message. 

A Project Truth Pod is a pre-existing or newly established group who have been trained and certified by Project Truth HQ to do street outreach using the Project Truth branding and materials.

A group can invite Project Truth HQ to train them to hold outreach sessions in their own town, city or even university campus (where possible).

In 2019 we piloted our first Project Truth Pod in Malta in response to the invitation from Life Network Foundation. We now look forward to being able to offer training to groups across the UK.

Project Truth will provide extensive training, resources and constant encouragement and guidance to ensure each Pod's success. We will cultivate the unique skills and talents of every individual Pod member.

For more information or to find out about how you can start a Pod in your area, please contact us!


Project Truth in Valletta, Malta


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Project Truth is an initiative of SPUC Pro-Life Scotland Ltd (also known as SPUC Scotland) and is a registered Scottish Charity (№ SC050567) and a company with limited liability by guarantee (registered at Companies House № SC446258).

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